
5 Things To Do Before Deer Season: Start Prepping NOW

5 Things To Do Before Deer Season: Start Prepping NOW

5 Things To Do <a href="">Before</a> <a href="">Deer</a> Season: Start Prepping NOW

5 Things To Do Before Deer Season: Start Prepping NOW


Attention, outdoor enthusiasts! The excitement is building as deer hunting season approaches. It’s a time of anticipation and thrill for hunters across the country. Whether you’re a seasoned hunter or new to the sport, preparation is key to ensuring a successful and enjoyable hunting experience. In this blog post, we will discuss five essential steps to take before deer season begins. By starting your preparations now, you’ll be ready to hit the woods with confidence. Let’s dive in!

Section 1: Scout Your Hunting Area

Before deer season kicks off, it’s crucial to scout your hunting area. By doing so, you can identify potential hunting spots and get a better understanding of deer activity in the area. Scouting helps you determine where to set up your stands or blinds, increasing your chances of success.

There are several effective scouting methods you can employ. First, consider using trail cameras to capture deer movement. These cameras provide valuable information about the number and size of the deer population in your hunting area. You can monitor these cameras remotely and gather data to make informed hunting decisions.

In addition to trail cameras, tracking signs left by deer is another useful scouting technique. Look for tracks, rubs on trees, and scrapes on the ground. This will give you insight into deer behavior, such as preferred travel routes and feeding areas.

Lastly, make an effort to talk to local hunters or landowners in the area. They can offer valuable insights and share their experiences. They may have information on recent deer movement or areas that have been successful in previous seasons. Don’t underestimate the power of local knowledge.

Section 2: Gear Check and Update

Before heading into the woods, it’s essential to check your hunting gear for any damages or malfunctions. A thorough gear check ensures that you have everything you need and that your equipment is in optimal condition.

Start with your weapons, whether it’s a rifle or a bow. Inspect the firearm for any signs of wear, such as rust or loose parts. If you’re a bowhunter, check the string, limbs, and cams for any damage. Replace worn-out strings or cables to maintain accuracy and safety.

Next, review your optics. Binoculars or a spotting scope are essential for spotting deer at a distance. Clean your lenses and test their focus. Consider upgrading your optics if you feel they don’t meet your needs or if there have been advancements in technology since your last purchase.

Don’t forget about your clothing and accessories. Inspect your hunting clothes for tears or excessive wear. Ensure that you have the appropriate attire for the expected weather conditions during the hunting season. It’s also a good time to restock your hunting accessories, such as calls, scents, and backpack essentials.

Section 3: Physical Conditioning and Safety

Hunting requires physical stamina and endurance, so it’s crucial to be in good shape before the season begins. By improving your physical fitness, you’ll be better prepared to handle the demands of hunting.

Dedicate time to regular exercise that focuses on cardiovascular fitness, strength, and flexibility. Activities like hiking, jogging, and weightlifting can help build endurance and muscle strength. Stretching exercises improve flexibility and can prevent injuries when navigating through rugged terrains.

Hunting safety should always be a top priority. Familiarize yourself with firearm safety rules and ensure you handle your weapon responsibly. Take the time to refresh your knowledge of first aid and emergency procedures. Accidents can happen, and being prepared can make all the difference.

Section 4: Study Hunting Regulations and Permits

It’s imperative to understand and abide by hunting regulations and licensing requirements. Each state has its own set of rules and regulations, and it’s your responsibility as a hunter to be informed.

There are resources available to help you access state-specific hunting regulations and permit information. Visit your state’s wildlife department website or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information. Keep in mind that regulations can change, so it’s essential to stay informed annually.

Obtain any necessary permits or licenses well in advance of the hunting season. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to hunt due to a lack of paperwork. Plan ahead and ensure you have all the required documentation.

Section 5: Practice Shooting Skills

Practicing your shooting skills is paramount for ethical hunting and harvesting game cleanly. Shooting accuracy builds confidence and ensures a swift and humane kill.

You can set up a shooting range at home if you have enough space and follow local safety regulations. Ensure that you have a safe backstop and clear shooting lanes. Target practice should mimic real hunting scenarios as much as possible.

If setting up a home range isn’t feasible, find local shooting ranges in your area. These facilities provide a controlled environment for practicing your shooting skills.

When practicing, focus on proper shooting form and technique. Consider incorporating rifle shooting drills that simulate hunting situations. This will improve your marksmanship and help you make accurate shots when it counts.


Congratulations, outdoor enthusiasts! You’re now equipped with the knowledge to start prepping for the upcoming deer hunting season. Remember, starting early is key. Take the time to scout your hunting area, check and update your gear, prioritize physical conditioning and safety, study hunting regulations and permits, and practice shooting skills. By diligently following these five steps, you’re setting yourself up for a successful and memorable hunting experience. Get started now, and get ready to make lasting memories in the great outdoors. Happy hunting!


Q: When should I start scouting for deer season?

A: It’s best to start scouting your hunting area a few months before deer season. This allows you ample time to gather information, track deer activity, and identify potential hunting spots.

Q: What should I look for when scouting for deer?

A: When scouting, look for signs of deer activity, such as tracks, rubs, and scrapes. Pay attention to food sources, bedding areas, and travel routes. These will give you valuable insights into deer behavior and help you determine the best spots to set up for hunting.

Q: How often should I practice shooting before deer season?

A: It’s recommended to practice shooting regularly in the months leading up to deer season. Aim for at least once a week to maintain accuracy and build confidence. Consistent practice will ensure that you’re well-prepared when the moment of truth arrives.

Brian Stevens

Published by Brian Stevens

Hey there, I'm Brian Stevens – your ultimate guide to all things hunting, fishing, and the great outdoors. With a passion that runs as deep as the forests I explore, I'm here to share my experiences and insights with fellow outdoor enthusiasts. From tracking elusive game to uncovering the hidden gems of nature, I'm your go-to guy for adventure. So grab your gear, and let's embark on thrilling journeys together!

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